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2 & 3 March 2017 - Schedule of presentations
List of supervisors and respective students that concerns to your research project.
- " X-ray emission in the Galactic Center " - Armijos.pdf (15.52 hs)
- " The curios case of SN1996cr " - Quirola.pdf
- " Evolution of the impressive colliding-wind binary HD 93129A " - del_Palacio.pdf
- " Spectral and timing analysis of the X-Ray pulsar RX J0720.4-3125 " - Fuentes.pdf
- " A NuStar observation of the X-ray pulsar IGR J16320-4751 " - Fogantini.pdf
- " Afterglow GRB 130427A with XMM-Newton data " - Becerra.pdf
- " X-ray emission of the SNR G309.2-0.6 " - Suarez.pdf
- " X-ray emission from M82 " - Kornecki.pdf
- " Wind colliding zone in the CygOB2 #8 system " - Haucke.pdf
- " Spectral data analysis of Epsilon Eridani K-star with XMM-Newton data" - Peralta.pdf
- " X-ray analysis for intermediate Polaris with Esaclis " - Isabel.pdf
- " X-ray emission from Herbig Haro Objects: HH80 - HH81 " - Rodriguez_A.pdf"
- " Cluster Galaxy ZwCL 1215 " - Lourenco.pdf
- " X-ray emission of AU Mic (GL 803) - Romina.pdf​
- " High Mass X-ray variabile star IGRJ 1735.3-3256 " - Bunzel.pdf
Wednesday 1 March 2017
Talk 1 - Basics of Scientific Presentation (Carlos Gabriel)
Talk 2 - Time Travel (Gustavo Romero)
Computer Class Project ​
Tuesday 28 Feb. 2017
Talk 1 - Writing Proposals (Matteo Guainazzi)
Talk 2 - Future Development of X-ray Astronomy (Keith Arnaud)
Computer Class Project ​
Monday 27 Feb. 2017
Talk 1 - Timing Analysis III (Federico Garcia)
Talk 2 - Multifrequency Aspects of X-Ray Sources (Gustavo Romero)
Talk 3 - AGNs II (Matteo Guainazzi)
Computer Class Project ​
Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 ( free activities and excursions)
Pictures & photos
Friday 24 Feb. 2017
Talk 1 - Accretion Sources II Black Holes and Neutron Stars (Mariano Mendez)
Talk 2 - X-ray Emission Mechanisms II (Gustavo Romero)
Talk 3 - Timing Analysis II (Federico Garcia)
Talk 4 - AGNs (Mateo Guainazzi)
Talk 5 - Galaxies, Clusters and Groups II (Keith Arnaud)
Talk 6 - ISM and SNRs (Kristin Kruse-Madsen )
Computer Class Project ​
Thursday 23 Feb. 2017
Talk 1 - Science with X-ray Source Catalogues (Mike Nowak)
Talk 2 - Astrophysical Plasmas (Dan Patnaude)
Talk 3 - Statistics (Mariano Mendez)
Talk 4 - Galaxies Clusters and Groups I (Keith Arnaud)
Talk 5 - Accretion Sources I Black Holes and Neutron Stars ​(Mariano Mendez)
Computer Class Project ​
Wednesday 22 Feb. 2017
Talk 1 - X-ray Spectrum Analysis II - High- resolution Spectra (Dan Patnaude)
Talk 2 - Data Red. V - A more detailed look at SAS (Matteo Guainazzi)
Talk 3 - Source Searching Methods - Catalogues & Archives (Carlos Gabriel)
Talk 4 - Timing Analysis I (Federico Garcia)
Talk 5 - X-ray Emission Mechanisms I (Gustavo Romero)
Computer Class Project ​
Tuesday 21 Feb. 2017
Talk 1 - Data Reduction I - Introduction to SAS (Carlos Gabriel)
Talk 2 - Data Reduction II - Introduction to CIAO (Michael Nowak)
Talk 3 - Data Reduction III - FTOOLS + NuSTAR dedicated S/W (Kristin Kruse-Madsen)
Talk 4 - X-ray Spectrum Analysis I - Low-resolution Spectra (Keith Arnaud)
Talk 5- Data Reduction IV - Introduction to ISIS (Michael Nowak)
Computer Class Project ​
Monday 20 Feb. 2017
Talk 1 - An introduction to High energy astronomy (Mariano Mendez)
Talk 2 - How do we detect X-rays? (Michael Nowak)
Talk 3 - The Missions I - XMM S/C & Instruments (Carlos Gabriel)
Talk 4 - The Missions II - Chandra S/C & Instruments (Dan Patnaude)
Talk 5 - The Missions III - NuSTAR S/C & Instruments (Kristin Kruse-Madsen)
Computer Class Project
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