DATE: 3 March 2017 (day 11) - HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY
Dear COSPAR Capacity-Building Workshop attendees, don't lose this opportunity.
I would like to bring to your attention the COSPAR Capacity Building fellowship program. This program is open to young scientists who have been participants at one of the COSPAR Capacity-Building workshops to enable them to build on skills gained at the workshop. It provides for visits of 2-4 weeks duration for the purpose of carrying out joint research to laboratories that collaborate with COSPAR in providing the fellowship program.
A complete description of the program, together with an application form, is available at the "Fellowship Program" link on the COSPAR web page
or directly via:
The most important part of this program is that you must make arrangements with a sponsoring scientist or professor who will host you at their institution or University. This webpage lists those places that have already agreed to host students, if a scientist working there agrees to work with the student, but the key is the host scientist, not the institution. Details are available at http://cosparhq.cnes.fr/Meetings/Laboratory%20Guidelines.pdf, but if you wish to work with someone at an institute or school that is not on the list, that will not be a problem if they are willing to host you.
Applications are processed twice per year, in March and September, although they can be submitted at any time. Please direct them to that link or ask them to contact to Dr. Jorge Combi , CC. Dr. Randall Smith, the Chair of the PCB Fellowship program, directly.
DATE: 1 March 2017 (day 9)
1- If you wants to print, set up the local printer as IP:
Please, avoid prints as long as the Holy Bible.
DATE: 28 February 2017 (day 8)
1- New Time sheet . pdf !!!!!
2 - Deadline for project file submission is Thursday 2 of March 2017 at 16.30 hs (Local time UTC-3).
Please send files only in pdf to these both e-mails:
Carlos Gabriel: juan.carlos.gabriel@gmail.com
Facundo Albacete Colombo: cospar.viedma2017@gmail.com
3 - Please fill our WorkShop Evaluation form, giving your opinion, and send it to Carlos Gabriel: juan.carlos.gabriel@gmail.com
WS_Evaluation.xls (for Numbers on MacOS X system)
WS_Evaluation.xlsx (for Excel on Linux-Windows OS)
DATE: 24 February 2017 (day 7)
1- Dr. Gustavo Romero will give a defiant talk concerning to the TIME TRAVEL !! on tex Wednesday 1st at 10 AM.
Title : Es posible viajar en el tiempo ? Ciencia y ficción.
DATE: 23 February 2017 (day 4)
1- Dr Matteo Guainanti and Dr Mariano Mendez will be interview at 12.30,
by the local digital group of the University of Rio Negro.
2- Charla abierta sobre Astronomìa: “Buscar lo invisible: a la caza de los agujeros negros” (SPANISH)
El próximo miércoles 1 de marzo a las 20 horas, en el Centro Municipal de Cultura de Viedma, se desarrollará la charla “Buscar lo invisible: a la caza de los agujeros negros”. La actividad, llevada adelante en el marco del “Workshop Internacional de Astrofísica de Altas Energías” que se está desarrollando en la Sede Atlántica de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, es abierta a todo público.
3- This maps shows you how to get the place for the next Saturday asado lunch.
Please be there before 11 hs.
Take the small ferry from Hotel to Patagones city, and walk for 40 min following the river in West direction.
See this map !!!
DATE: 22 February 2017 (day 3)
2- We have now access to all the observation databases by mounting the discs as:
Under MacOs you must go to the "connection server" running under finder and add one of these links.
Please, before to start with disks, find the XMM-Newton revolution that corresponds to the observation
that you needs. You can do that on: http://nxsa.esac.esa.int/nxsa-web/#search
DATE: 21 February 2017 (day 2)
1- Open public talk for astronomy
Free entrance (in spanish)
Dr. Matteo Guainazzi, Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA - ESTEC), Holanda.
Aula Alcides Biaggeti del Centro Cultural ( Main building), Costanera de Viedma frente al monumento del fundador.
Miércoles 1 de Marzo 2017
20.00 hs puntual.
DATE: 20 February 2017 (day 1)
1- The workshop is running fast.
This is the new time-table for the sessions.
DATE: 13 February 2017
1- Dear participants, now is less than a week to the COSPAR workshop. The bus belongs to the company FREDES and will depart on Sunday 19 at 20:00 from Aeroparque Jorge Newbery - Buenos Aires. All passengers should be at the entrance main hall door of the airport at 19.45 hs. The bus will stop in from of the entrance and we have just 10 minutes to go. Please be fast with your baggage . Together with the 26 students, the professor Mike Nowak will also share the bus.
I'll be connected by phone with drivers and with some of you there to coordinate information .
2- Take a look for the new program of the workshop.
3- Of potential interest for researchers and lectures. In next file you can find the list of students and their respective research topic for the workshop.
It would be interesting for your organization as well. LIST of Students and Research projects.
DATE: 11 January 2017
This is the revised program of activities for our workshop. Some minor changes about it will be properly notified. (schedule.pdf)
DATE: 22 December 2016
Dear participants, as you surely know, the COSPAR Capacity Building on X-ray Astrophysics in Viedma, Argentina, in Feb.-Mar 2017, for which you have been accepted, is highly practical. More than 50% of the time of the workshop you are expected to work on an own project, applying the new knowledge and analysis technics you will be learning. According to our experience of the last years, most of you will be bringing an own laptop to do so. The operating system should be Linux / MacOs, since most of the software we are going to use does not run under Windows.
In order to speed up things, we expect that you come to the workshop with following analysis packages installed and tested:
- XMM-Newton Science Analysis System (SAS)
Download and installation pages under http://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/download-and-install-sas for SAS and external necessary packages (ds9, Perl, Grace, Heasoft, WCSTools)
- Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO)
Download and installation pages under http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/download/
Please download from https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/lheasoft/download.html EITHER the Source Code distribution and compile it in your machine OR the pre-compiled binary distributions corresponding to your OS. If you do the latter, you do not need to download all the packages, but only the “General-use tools”, as well as Xronos and Xspec from the Xanadu suite. And, since we are going to work also with NuSTAR data, please don’t forget to download the corresponding package from the “Mission-Specific tools”.
- The spectral analysis package ISIS
Download it from http://space.mit.edu/asc/isis/download.html
Please make sure, after downloading and installing the different packages, that they run! All of the different software packages have associated Helpdesks, which will be able to support you if something is not going as expected. Especially the three space missions XMM-Newton, Chandra and NuSTAR are all aware of this upcoming event, and will be willingly help you.
Please let us know before January 31 via e-mail if you are not bringing a laptop to work with. We will be putting a machine at your disposition in that case. If you come with an own laptop, please send us information about type and OS.
DATE: 1 September 2016
Dear students, the time is passing and the workshop is coming. It is important to read all these considerations before your further plans, and arrangements for attendance:
- For all students coming from other countries that Argentina or different cities than Buenos Aires, buy your flight - bus tickets as soon as possible, in order to save money.
You will receive the COSPAR approved financial support in cash at the moment you reach Viedma.
If you pay EXTRA money that approved financial support for your travel, it cannot be reimbursed.
- You can arrive Buenos Aires at any day and any time, but the before Sunday19 of February at 16:00 hs PM.
- In Buenos Aires, there will be a single bus for all of you at the Aeroparque airport (NOT Ezeiza) to bring all the students together. You must be inside this bus not later than 19 hs of Sunday19 of February 2017.
- The trip duration is about 11 hours, however the bus is very comfortable, with meals and drinks, bath, TV, and internet connection (enjoy it).
- You don't need pay anything for the bus. COSPAR organization already payed for you.
- We recommends to you a relaxed trip to Viedma, because we’ll start with the workshop sessions as soon as the bus arrive, approximately about 8.00 AM of Monday 20 of February. Try to sleep something.
- At the end of the workshop (Friday 3 March 2017), the same bus will depart 20 hs. from Viedma to BS.AS.
You’ll arrive BS.AS the Saturday 4 of March at 8.00 AM. Take this information into account for your come
back flight .
Please, answer to to cospar.viedma2017@gmail.com to confirms reception.
If you need more information, do not hessite to contact us.